Central African Republic: Four Young People (and Lots of Kids) Transform a Refugee Camp Into a Refuge for Beauty

In November 2013, four interns: Antoine, Jean, Daniel, and Hector, entered the ATD Fourth World courtyard in Bangui. They had already been volunteering with the team for a few years and wanted to do a 3-month internship to learn more about our work. The team in Bangui was glad to welcome them, particularly a group so eager to reach out to the most excluded people in their neighborhood, village, and country. For two years, the four of them had worked on a project to write and produce a DVD titled “Child of The World, Give Me Your Hand.” With other facilitators,…

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Giving Poverty a Voice – ATD UK workshop in London

When? 24 June at 10:30 to 25 June at 02:30 Where? ATD Fourth World, 48 Addington Square, SE5 7LB London, What? Who wants to Give Poverty a Voice? Who wants to learn the language of ‘public relations’? With the promotion of ATD book The Roles We Play just around the corner, ATD UK invites to attend a meeting about public relations, promoting and campaigning. The meeting will be divided into two parts. The first half will be a workshop focused on developing our skills for promoting events and campaigns in public. Participants will particularly look at techniques for dealing with the…

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We can be the Generation – Zero Extreme Poverty in 2030!

With the Global Citizen, an initiative of the Global Poverty Project, we dream of a world without extreme poverty. More than dream, this could become our reality. By 2030. It’s a difficult, but achievable goal. Progress has already been made. Still, more than 1 billion people live on under $1.25 a day for everything. Leaders in the fight against extreme poverty believe that by working together, we can see an end to extreme poverty by 2030. Key to this is every country prioritizing the goal of poverty eradication now. This is where everybody comes in. Zero Poverty 2030 is a campaign…

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A Tribute to Marco

On the night of June 8, 2014, ATD long-term permanent volunteer, Marco Aurelio UGARTE OCHOA, died peacefully in his sleep. Rosario, his wife, was at his side. Marco was among those who stayed the course, right to the end. Sparing no effort, he held fast until his final days, tirelessly sharing his three passions: his family, his people, and the ATD Fourth World Movement. His commitment was rooted in his experiences as a child and youth, that made extreme poverty intolerable to him; he too often witnessed injustice. Convinced of the wealth within his people, he wanted to better understand the…

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ATD UK invites to an International Forum: ‘Creating Community and Building Knowledge’

ATD UK (www.atd-uk.org) has the great pleasure of welcoming Mirit Sidi and Dr Orna Shemer, friends of ATD Fourth World in Israel, who will talk about The Women's Courtyard, a brilliant project reaching and engaging with vulnerable women from different ethnic and religious backgrounds in Jaffa, a poor area in Tel-Aviv. Participants will then have a chance to discuss together our own experiences of community outreach and of sharing and building knowledge based on people’s life experience. Exchange between ATD UK activists and friends from Israel and Scotland will address community development: how to bring people living in poverty in communities together to…

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Members of ATD in the United States share their Vision!

In May 2014, 50 delegates from across the United States came together for the ATD USA national strategic planning retreat. The goal was to reflect on ATD's past 50 years of work in the US, and to plan for the future. There were tears, laughter, and a lot of amazing suggestions – and from all of discussions came the vision statement presented in the video (text below).  It’s still a work in progress, let us know what you think! “All Together in Dignity (ATD Fourth World) holds a vision of a world without poverty, where everyone has equal opportunity to access…

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We run the Flora Women’s Mini Marathon for children in Central African Republic

Women's Flora Mini Marathon - Dublin  2 June 2014 at 2 pm – 10 km Please let us know  if you are running with us!  Contact us! In 2014, your steps will make a difference in Ireland and abroad! For every €10 collected, €3 will fund our work in Ireland and €7 will be sent to the ATD team in the Central African Republic (CAR). Since March 2013, violence has to torn the country apart. In Bangui, the capital, people have fled their homes and taken up refuge at the airport where foreign soldiers and humanitarian aid are located.  The ATD…

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Discover the new videos of the CityWide Drugs Crisis Campaign

CityWide Drugs Crisis Campaign is a national network of community activists and community organisations that are involved in responding to Ireland's drugs crisis. CityWide was set up in 1995 by the Inner City Organisations Network (ICON), to bring together Dublin communities that were struggling with the heroin crisis. It now works nationally linking communities across the country dealing with a range of substance issues. CityWide works to promote and support a community development approach to the drugs problem - this means involving the people who are most affected by the problem in dealing with the problem - drug users, their families…

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Thank You Dominique and Françoise!

We share our gratitude for Dominique and Françoise, ATD full-time volunteers, who spent 5 years in Dublin and who are joining today the ATD team in Montreal (http://www.atdquartmonde.ca/). . We are really sad to see you go! Thank you for coming into our lives, and showing us what it is like out there for people in poverty. You are an inspiration for women around the world. Rachel for the women of the Saol project It is definitely a loss for Ireland and a gain for Canada! I have always been impressed by your determination and your courage and your gentleness. At…

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UN Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights to Leave No One Behind

Responding to the invitation of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Designate and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Diana Skelton, Deputy General Director of ATD International, was a guest speaker at the Conference "A Human Rights Approach to Tackling Poverty and Social Inequality - An All Island Perspective". She presented the United Nations Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights. "Adopted in September 2012 by the UN Human Rights Council, the Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty provide for the first time, global policy guidelines. These focus specifically on the human rights of people living in poverty", said Diana…

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