The Hidden Dimensions of Poverty
ATD Ireland is excited to announce the launch of its new educational resource, The Hidden Dimensions of Poverty.
This educational resource is aimed at educationalists, teachers and curriculum development specialists working at all levels of education in Ireland: – formal, informal and community. It provides access to a learning resource on poverty, including presentations by ATD Ireland community activists highlighting the important voice of people with lived experience of poverty.
There are currently 279,000 people in consistent poverty in Ireland. This resource seeks to raise awareness and open minds to the daily realities of poverty, mediated in part through the direct experiences and conversations of people in poverty. It enables a positive learning exchange of views and insights into this important contemporary issue in Irish society.
You can find the educational resource here.
Understanding Poverty in All its Forms: A participatory research study into poverty in the UK
ATD Fourth World UK carried out participatory research on ‘Understanding Poverty in All Its Forms’. The research has been part of a global research project, which is a collaboration between ATD Fourth World International and the University of Oxford.
You can read the full report here.