In 2022, ATD Ireland began working on Leave No One Behind Series 3. LNOB series 3 is a workshop series designed to start an inclusive conversation about the 2030 Agenda’s Leave No One Behind Promise. It aims to raise awareness of the Leave No One Behind Promise of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to involve citizens from all walks of life (children, youths, adults- including people with
experience of poverty and marginalisation). We want to empower marginalised groups to actively contribute to dialogue in Ireland around the Sustainable Development Goals by valuing their knowledge of social exclusion issues based on lived experience.
This project began after identifying a diverse range of community groups specifically working with people who are often left behind. The groups included those working with people from a variety of life experiences including; Families in Direct Provision, Traveller groups, Recovery groups, Young People, Asylum seekers, people with experience of prison, Adults strugglingwith literacy, people living in isolated rural areas, those struggling with poor mental health and people with experience of poverty. Each of these groups, through very important action, aim to leave no body behind.
Click image below to view or download the report
Festival of Change!
In July 2022, we launched the project and showcased the beautiful artwork at an uplifting community event at Mud Island Community Gardens. The project participants gathered and conversed together with music and refreshments.