ATD Ireland are part of an alliance called #addthe10th. The purpose of this group is to have socio- economic status recognized as the tenth ground of discrimination in Irish equality legislation, namely the Equal Status Act and the Employment Equality Act. The add the tenth alliance is made up of
- All Together in Dignity Ireland (ATD Ireland),
There are currently nine grounds of discrimination set out in equality legislation including gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, membership of the Traveller community and race. The exclusion of socio- economic status represents a significant gap, and those with an experience of poverty “constantly fall through the cracks” of equality legislation. – Community activist Andrew.
Those experiencing this form of discrimination currently have no way of seeking any form of legal redress and have no protection in the law. Socio- economic discrimination can occur in many forms and can be experienced both individually and collectively. It is often felt within public services, such as in healthcare, housing and accommodation, when seeking employment, education, social welfare or with the police.
Those with a lived experience also report everyday incidences of discrimination as a result of their accent, clothing, haircut, address, employment status, etc. People report not being able to get a taxi to their home, being followed around in stores or being refused service in a restaurant. The stigma and shame that results from discrimination has huge effects on mental health and wellbeing. In addition, it can also enormously restrict a person’s life and opportunities
“Current labour market practices, social welfare conditionality and neoliberal work- centric attitudes have gradually engendered barriers for those in, or approaching poverty, to rights and social inclusion”. – Addthe10th alliance.
The addthe10th alliance met with minister Roderic O’ Gorman in June 2021 and submitted a collective response to the government consultation for the review of the equality acts.
Click here to sign the petition to Minister Roderic O’ Gorman