At the occasion of 2019 World Day of Social Justice, ATD invited all citizens interested to the launch of “Corner Stones”, a creative project aiming to prepare an artistic piece with the 700 decorated stones created during the “Your Rights Are Written in Stone” Campaign run in 2018! From February 20th to April 27th, a series of workshops have been be held in the North East Inner City to design and eventually create the “Corner Stones”. Some of these “Corner Stones” found their place in the NEC Farmer’s Hill Communnity Garden once renovated (as part of the larger “Rutland School” renovation project).
To see photos and video click here!
To mark the 10th anniversary of the unveiling of the Dublin Human Rights and Poverty Stone on Cutsom House Quay (Dublin 1), the Irish 17 October Committee and ATD are facilitating a series of workshops in the North East Inner City of Dublin. This project is entitled “Your Rights Are Written In Stone”.
Participants will talk about human rights and poverty and discover ATD’s new exhibition of banners illustrating the history and international context of the Dublin Human Rights and Poverty Stone.
Participants will also be invited to write, draw or paint a word, name or image you associate with basic human rights and poverty on a small stone which will be included in a very special exhibition on next End Poverty Day, 17 October 2018.
Discover here the banners from the exhibition!
Download the exhibition booklet here!
Like the project Facebook page here!
This project is supported by the Dublin City Council and the Department of the Taoiseach via the North East Inner City Programme!