Poverty Aware Practice with Trinity College undergraduate students

On Tuesday 26th March, ATD Ireland animated a workshop session about the ‘Poverty Aware Practice’ module for the social work students of Trinity College. ATD team was represented by Lorraine, Christina, Andrew, Kye, Jimmy and Paul. This module aims to promote positive practice from activists to social workers that will be helpful within the scope of their future employment.The conversation between ATD community activists and the classroom was with the intention to bridge the gap between people in poverty and social workers. As the workshop started Paul spoke out on the history between this disconnection and that it didn’t belong in…

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Creative Pathways- Filming day on Sandymount beach and in Trinity College!

Over the years, art in all its forms, has been considered as a way of expression. It is a common language that draws feelings and emotions regardless of people's backgrounds. As powerful as it is, art highlights societal issues and spreads love and hope. Indeed, it is one of the most efficient ways to massively spread an idea and gather people on the issue's importance. It creates a strong bond among people and contributes to increasing the audience of messages and their understanding. Moreover, if it translates abstract ideas or concepts such as SDGs, it shares daily testimonies about suffering, and…

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ATD Fourth World Conference- World Bank

People experiencing poverty across six countries have informed World Bank and International Monetary Fund on how to ensure inclusivity and epistemic justice when developing policy, with the support of lecturer Dr Rachel Broady.Rachel, who teaches Media, Culture and Communication at Liverpool John Moores University, travelled to Washington DC, as a delegate for the UK, to attend the “Addressing Hidden Dimensions of Poverty in Knowledge and Policies” international conference held at World Bank HQ on February 14, 2024. The conference was the result of three-years of participatory research between human rights based anti-poverty organisation ATD Fourth World and Oxford University for which…

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World Bank Conference on the “Hidden Dimensions of Poverty” International research in Washington DC

On Thursday 15th February ATD Ireland National Co- Ordinator Dann Kenningham  joined a delegation involved in the Hidden Dimensions of Poverty International research presenting at a conference at the World Bank in Washington DC “Addressing the Hidden Dimensions of Poverty in Knowledge and Policies”.  Dann Co -ordinated the Hidden Dimensions of poverty research in the UK.  Below are his reflections on the event. Having the invitation to the World Bank & IMF felt at first like stepping on unholy ground .. stepping into the belly of the beast.But having the opportunity to present the Hidden Dimensions of Poverty International Research; a…

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Community Activists Lorraine and Jimmy discuss #Addthe10th at a UN webinar on “Social Justice Through Policy”.

On Tuesday 6th February ATD Ireland Community Activists Jimmy and Lorraine presented at UN Webinar on “Eliminating Inequity and Systemic Exclusion: A Rights based approach to Social and Economic Policy Justice”.  This was a side event to the 62nd Commission on Social Development, organized by Maryann Broxton, ATD Fourth World’s Representative at the United Nations.  “Halfway to the deadline for the 2030 Agenda, we are leaving more than half the world behind” The focus of this event was outlining examples of good practice social policies which can put social and economic justice into action, given the current context of rising inequalities,…

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ATD Ireland 2023 review

As we begin 2024, we would like to pay reference to some of the main projects, highlights and challenges of the past year.  It was a productive and exciting year where we completed  funded projects advocating for the #Addthe10th campaign and the Sustainable Development Goals.  We supported and continued to build relationships with families and individuals experiencing poverty.  We have continued to build a strong activist voice through peer support, friendships and public presentations and workshops. We continue to work to achieve our Strategic Goals 2023- 2027 set out below.  Thank you so much for the continued support and here's to…

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Poverty Aware Practice in Galway University and Trinity College Dublin

On Monday 20th November ATD Ireland delivered a session of our ‘poverty aware practice’ module to social work master’s students at Galway university led by community activists Lorraine, Jimmy, Christina and Paul.   This purpose of this module is to enable social work students to have a better understanding of poverty and promote a dialogue between those who have experience of social work intervention and the future social workers. Lorraine began by asking the students ‘what does poverty and socio- economic discrimination mean to you?’  The class brought up familiar ideas like facing stigma and having to make difficult choices.  One student discussed…

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ATD Ireland Community Activist Christina speaks at the European Parliament

On 25th October 2023, ATD Ireland community activist Christina presented at Social Platform’s annual conference; ‘Over the poverty line: The case for adequate minimum income for all’.  For several weeks we prepared in the ATD Ireland office through discussions on the topic of minimum income with ATD Ireland community activists and Sister Bernadette who founded the MESL work.  Christina used these insights and her own to write her insightful presentation.  The conference was in aid of the Social Platform ‘Over the Line’ campaign.  Social Platform are calling for an EU Directive on Minimum Income.  There has been some EU developments on…

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17 October 2023

On Tuesday the 17th Of October ATD Ireland and the 17th October Committee had our annual commemoration for the UN Day for the Eradication of Poverty at the Human Rights and Poverty Stone on the Custom House Quay in Dublin. The theme this year was “Let Dignity Be Our Compass: Working Together Towards Change”. The commemoration included testimony and speeches from many people, including those wigh lived experiences of poverty, exclusion and justice. Also speaking were The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Daithí de Róiste, the Minister of State at the Department of Social Protection, Joe O’Brien and others. Not only did the event include words from many people but…

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ATD Ireland at the Family Resource Centre National Conference in Tullamore

On 11th October 2023, ATD Ireland including community activists Paul, Andrew, Christina and Jimmy attended the Family Resource Centre National Forum in Tullamore.   ATD Ireland often work with family resource centres from across the country in our various projects, such as our recent LNOB series 3 project which focused positive local community action.  Family resource centres also often carry out projects to mark the 17th October UN Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The theme of the forum this year was ‘Community Development in the context of the FRC National Programme- What does it look like?’The conference began with an opening…

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